Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Pay it forward

While blog hopping I was reading Kellie H's blog and came across the pay it forward challenge

The first three people to comment here (who would like to be involved in the Pay It Forward Challenge) will receive a handmade gift from me. All you have to do is keep the fun challenge going by agreeing to create three handmade gifts for three more people...
SO, if you would like a gift hand made by me, just be one of the first 3 to pop in a comment!! :)

I made it into her first 3 so now I will pay it forward and make something for the first three people to comment here, then they cut and past the challenge on their blog and pay it forward! Fun huh!

Gosh what to make????


Jodie said...

wow mel that is such a cool idea, id love to pay it forward if im one of your 3 :)


nikkihelen said...

What a brilliant idea!! A handmade item sounds so nice!! I can't believe I'm the second comment though, woo hoo!!

xX Nikki Xx

Kellie Hayes said...

LOL have fun mel!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds just divine Mel... and I love making handmade items, but I've missed the boat as three people have posted!!! xxx