Finally scanned some recent scrapping...about time!LOL!
All is going well...we had a ball at the Justine Clarke concert...initially Poppy was a little overwhelmed, then she warmed up and made her way to the "mini mosh pit" and went a little nutso! It was hilarious watching her dancing with her lil friends! We lined up afterwards and met Justine and had a photo. What a GORGEOUS lady! She was just having a ball on stage and so nice to sign CDs and have photos with literally 100s of kids! What a great person! The stage was very cute - almost "bam pop"ish...very funky!
Poppy rocked out so hard she ended up with a small blister on her foot...but seem to grow and grow even though we kept her in socks or thongs......ewwwww it was enormous(about the size of a 20c piece) so I took her to the doctors todays and he sorted it out...won't go into details...ick!!!!
So she is now hobbling around telling anyone who will listen that she has a sore foot because of all her dancing at a concert!
And finally some scrapping...
For the White with One challenge blog...
Not sure it this one is quite finished...awwwwww look how little Poppy is...beginning to crawl! It's not really crooked ...bad scan!
One that was meant for Scrapworld before it closed...Jenni Bowlin papers!
And a terrible pic of a double...we visited a great lil wildlife park on the school holidays with my family! Looks better IRL!LOL!
Hope you have a great week!