I adore Eric Carle's books and did a whole Author study on his books with my junior Library classes! Did you know it's his( the caterpillar's) 40th Anniversary this year! Talk about surviving the test of time. I LOVE working in the Library because I really do love literacy lessons and children's books!Poppy has a copy of the book and loves it as much as I do. I really want to pass on a love of books to my kids.
Now she is getting a little older Poppy and I are doing more crafting together. I will post some of the things we do - incase anyone is looking for simple activities to do with little ones! This week we decided to make a Hungry Caterpillar - very basic, but you could busy it up with far more decorations.
Items needed - Egg Carton
Red & Green paint
Yellow paper or card
Purple card
Optional Extras - pipe cleaners, sequins, green wool...the list goes on!
Cut egg carton in half, cut off one individual section for the head
Paint the "body" green
Paint the head red - allow to dry
Cut out two eyes from the yellow card, paint green in the centre
Cut out two purple antennae - or use pipe cleaners
Assemble - staple or hot glue head on, glue eyes and antennae, add a nose.
You could further decorate with sequins, green fabric, wool or crepe paper!It's VERY simple - but Poppy isn't even 4 yet so - it has to be! If you would like me to post more simple crafty ideas please let me know...if no one is interested I won't bore you all! LOL!
I've been scrapping for a comp. at the BOXX...and hoping ot get a bit more of my own scrapping done. Slowly finding my way back! Have some cute pics of the girls to get on to!
Will be back with some LOs later!
Have a great week! X