Last week I had a crack at a couple of the CC challenges at Scrapbook Savvy lil forum with a very tempting shop!!!
And the very exciting news is that I WON the two challenges I entered, scoring a $10 voucher for each. More than happy about that as I haven't been in a CC for ages!!!
Here is one of the LOs - Yummo. It's Miss P at Easter, love these bright BG papers and those woodgrain letters ***sigh***! The other LO got picked up for publication!
And this is an enormous birthday card for Poppys gorgeous Kindy teacher! Her birthday is in a few weeks. I was sneaky and got each child to draw themselves and then I assembled the rest with bits from my stash. It's very bright and very big - poster size! I'm sure she'll like it!We have been busy as always and life rolls along. Miss P has a cold that is lingering and lil Miss L is becoming more grown up everyday. I thought she was going to be far more mellow than Poppy but no...another wild, fun, expressive girl on our hands!
I have been surfing arty crafty blogs trying to round up gorgeous posts for the kids crafts blog. I just need to have made or find a blinky...if anyone can help please yell out - I've never had to do one before!
I found a few fabulous posts on creating a fairy garden so that is going to be our project in the next week! Very cute, very creative and full of magical learning and play - just the way we like it! I will post some pics when we are done!
wow i love your style should pop by more often!
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