We went to Gero last week - I had the flu and a horrid head cold the whole week - so it was good to be "looked after" by mum and dad. We did have some fun though, cooking gingerbread men - so cute and fun! And I got to catch up, very quickly, with Donna J - what a wonderful and warm woman she is! And could I just 'steal' her little munchkin Toby (Milly too - but hey, I already have one of them!) He is such a HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY little man!!
Poppy and Milly...lil cuties!
Here are some of my pics that didn't go to gallery!
I have more photos and some scrapping that I will post later - unfortunately I have been up since 4am - Gastro - ewwwwwwww vomitting for about 5 hours! Not nice at all - thank god it wasn't Poppy. I hope she doesn't get it! I can't remember being this ill for a long time!
I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow - and I'm itching to get to the scrapdesk as I have new goodies from SCRAPTIVATE, including the new Sassafrass Lass - certainly my favourite paper in a long time! Also new BG, New Heidi Swapp(loving the houndstooth pp)....crackle paint, god the list goes on!!!