Monday, January 26, 2009

ohhhh reno's

Soooo excited that we can really see the rooms coming together with our renovations!

Toy cupboard and my scrapspace to the right - it will be a built in desk and cupboards behind bi-folding doors in the familyroom! YAY! Behind is the laundry and passage way down to the kid's bathroom and bedrooms!

New family room!
Back of the original house they are knocking down that wall and gutting the kitchen next week - we'll have to move out while they fit the kitchen. It's all moving much quicker than we expected!

And these two precious girls have been soooo good throughout the renovations - Lola sleeps through it all and Poppy has tried her best while we have no backyard to play in - very hard for such an active girl.
Have a few LOs to share -be back later once they are scanned.
Hope you had a fab Australia day! We went to a BBQ the day before and had a quiet one on the day, stayed under the aircon listening to JJJ hotest 100...I came down sick with flu - like symptoms - the start of mastitis but luckily I kept on feeding Lola and have woken up OK today!


Kirsty said...

Oh wow! Its getting exciting!!

Good work on getting rid of the mastitis symptoms...they can be KILLER!

Tammy said...

Oh I bet you guys can't wait until they are all finished and you can get in there and decorate! Yay on getting a built in space for scrapping.

Alishia said...

Renos are looking great.
Glad your feeling better.

Her Essential Hand said...

How much have your girls grown.. super cute too!!!
Renos look like there well under way!!
Loving your latest creations!!
Felicity x

Nicole said...

erk on the mastitis. Managed to feed through it this time around too. It's one of the most horrid things going I think.

Such adorable girls, so lucky that they have been so good through the renos. Mine would of been out there trying to help, LOL


Julie said...

Great to hear the reno's are moving along quickly for you Melis .... can't wait to see the end photos. Love the idea of a shut off scraproom.

Fabbo work with the layouts in your last post - they are just gorgeous.

Julie xx