Monday, August 2, 2010

a quick share....

Yep here is one LO....LOVE this pic of Miss P. You know, she use to drive me crazy....I love her (obviously) but I always stressed about her. But not any more! I did this amazing course and got a whole new outlook on life - especially my relationship with Poppy. Now I look at her through different eyes. I treat her differently - "better" to be honest. In return our relationship is so brilliant, she is so much easier to manage, to love, to be happy with, to just enjoy!!


Unknown said...

That's beautiful Melis!
Look at Miss Poppy, what a big girl she is!
My Emily is so similar. Spirited and wild, but we wouldn't have them any other way would we?

Donna Heart said...

Hey gorgeous! Oh mi - I'm sorry it's been a while since i've visited! That course you did sounds lik eit was really helpful - what one was it? I wouldn't mind doing something similar... Lovin' your scrapping too - one of my dear friends who is a great scrapper is moving back to town ina week or so, and I'm hoping it will rub off on me too... Oh so much to do - so much to do! Love all the photos hun - you're looking so well, we must catch up before Christmas lol!
xxx Donna

Jasmine S said...

Your LO is gorgeous Melissa. I love your colours and the effectiveness of it. And, also a big GOOD ON YOU for feeling better and being happier. My biggest DS drives me crazy but he still means the world to me.