Lola Rose
born on the 4th - Melbourne Cup Day at 1.50pm by c-section.
Weight - 7lb, 91/2 ounces
Length - 54 cm (long for a girl)
Head - 35 cm
Eye colour dark blue
Hair - dark brown
Thanks Lisa for letting blog land know! And thanks to all those who left warm wishes for our truly warms my heart!
Lola looked almost exactly like Poppy when she was born!! In those first tiring days in hospital I would wake in the night and think she was Poppy!
We woke early on the 4th and had a lovely big cooked breakfast as I would have to fast from 7am onwards. We were booked in for a 1pm C-section delivery. I really had hoped for a shot at a natural birth this time, after a stressful emergency ceasar with Poppy. But due to a few factors the safest option was a planned c-section. So we got organised and dropped Poppy off at my inlaws house...she stays there a bit so she wasn't stressed at all...I on the other hand sobbed as the car pulled out of the drive way!LOL!
We arrived at the hospital just after 11.30am, settled into my room, signed the last of the documentation, I showered and gowned up, Tony only just fitted into his outfit! And then we waited, I was wheeled down to a waiting area and the anethetist(sp?) was running late. Another couple were waiting across from us and the dad looked sooooo nervous - first timers!We missed the Melbourne cup and then things started moving. I HATE all things medical and needles freak me out but it all went pretty well...even though it didn't hurt much ,I sobbed and sobbed, mainly due to stress and nerves, during the placement of the epidural...the staff were great and Tony was amazing!!!Then my Ob walked in and all the theatre staff...everyone seemed cheery and lighthearted! They started the incision and the pulling - I HATE that freaks me out...they seemed to be pulling and pulling, I thought something was wrong...was the baby stuck??? But no, after few minutes she was out and we waited for that much anticipated cry...and cry she did, so did I!The Ob. covered her genitals and asked us to guess...boy or girl? All the staff were chanting boy or girl? Tony yelled Boy, I yelled girl and then all was revealed...another princess to add to our family. Tony is well and truly out numbered now.
It was such a better experience this time, they placed Lola straight on me, then checked her over - she was perfect - then she and Tony came with me to the recovery area...Last time Poppy was whisked away, I now realise that I had actally blocked out so much of her birth experience due to stress!
So all went well, breastfeeding, recovery and general emotions have all been so much easier on me. Lola is an absolute delight!She is sleeping and feeding so well! Poppy still thinks her name is charlie and tells everyone that her sister is charlie! Poppy was sick with a cold and the flu during the week so I didn't see her much and it broke my heart. But she is on the mend now and such a little helper now we are home!
So if you are still awake after all are some pics!LOL!