I can't believe our bubba is TWO already! She is such a funny lil girl! A really character with funny songs, noises, screeching, giggles and the most hilarious faces or looks that she pulls! We had a small morning tea for her birthday with a few close friends! We went with the "hungry caterpillar" theme - invites, lolly bags, placemats, colouring in and of course the cake - all made by me. The kids all played beautifully and most importantly Lola had fun!
Presents included - a wooden kitchen, dora bath doll, books, wooden threading toys, new dresses, hat, fairy dress, musical instrument, wooden farm set and her new big girls bed! With more to come!
AT TWO....
- loves outside play and water/swimming time at Beaty Park
- loves "drawing"
- adores her big sister, follows her everywhere
- loves blueberries, strawberries, toast and lollies!(was a great eater but not eating much these days - due to bronculitious sp?)
- happy little personality even though often sick with asthma type cough.
- stubborn streak just like her sister - knows her own mind!
- Follows instructions easily and comprehends alot
- Language is starting to improve with more and more words everyday.
- LOVES animals from dogs to frogs....she just loves them all.
- Had been an excellent sleeper until a few months ago - climbing out of her cot at 4am ready to start the day...now in a bed and sleeping till about 5.30am. Still has a day sleep and is in bed at 6pm.
- Social and loves other kids...
- She likes books and stories especially flap books at the moment.
- Has a range of funny and goofy faces that she is constantly pulling.
- Affectionate and loves a cuddle.
- Tries to dress herself and can put on her shoes(most of the time)
- Likes to twirl and dance about.
- Poppy taught her to "gallop" last week and it's how she generally moves about at the moment! Very cute!
We really do adore her and she completes our little family. I love to watch the bond between my two girls. They can drive each other crazy but they also love to play together, to cuddle and laugh. There is nothing sweeter than sisters.
Happy birthday Lola - cant believe she is 2 alreay, she is so very sweet
Happy Birthday Lola!!
My Goodness, she has grown Melis! She is such a sweet little thing, just as cute as her big sister :0)
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