Sunday, September 21, 2008


Bit behind on this post....but all is going good although last week was a stressful one for us as our beautiful Oma(Dh's Grandmother) got very sick and had a heart attack in an ambulance on the way to hospital. We were terrified.... She is now still in hospital in the Cardio Unit and in very good care. She seems to be improving everyday and they are talking about when she goes home so that sounds very positive to me!!! My biggest problem is that I saw her the first morning but she had a very bad vomitting virus and vomitted for two days straight.(Not good for anyone let alone an 86 year old!) So now the staff think it is not a good idea for myself or Poppy to visit incase we get it. I understand and don't want to put us at risk but it is soooooo frustrating! I never had grandparents growing up so she is so special to me....she treats me as if I have always been her grandchild, we love chatting, I love her stories, we love having a coffee together!

Please say a prayer or send some healing vibes....I want her to see this new life I am carrying....we all need more time together!

And ironically - we had a scan yesterday of our newest family member...just to check if my placenta had moved - nope still low...but shouldn't be a problem as I am definately having a C-section. The utlrasound lady who is often very 'cold' but excellent in her field was really positive...saying how healthy bub looked! So that was nice.Bub was very active, all organs look great, already head down, quite big - in the 75+ percentile, and has long legs... the last one cracked me up - with Dh's height, 6ft5" suprises there! Got an awesome 3d pic of her/his face....chubby cheeks like Poppy. And NO we still don't know the gender! We'll find out in FIVE weeks!!!

It is my last week of work this week!!! Yay! Although I gotta say I absolutely LOVE my job this year but with my expanding belly, puffy feet and afternoon fatigue I'll be happy to stay home! I will have 6 months off then will hopefully return to my one and a half days a week at work!

Poppy has been an absolute delight and is back to a normal sleep pattern - waking around 6.30am which is fabulous compared to the 5am starts we were having! eeeekkkk - HATED it!

Now she is happier and so are we! She is such a little chatterbox and at the moment is fixated on singing the ABC song ALL day long...and also into names - wants to know everyone's names ie at the shops, the doctors....she will chat to anyone! Precious girl!

And don't fall off your chair but I have been scrapping aswell!! I am also have a HUGE clean out so stay tuned for some RAKS.... I gave away about 100 pieces of PP last week - didn't even make a dent in the stash! eeekkkkkkk!

Here is a LO for SCRAPTIVATE.....I hear new stock has arrived so either get online or Perth girls get to the shop.... Getting into the cuttlebug and metalic tap. They have loads of new dies and folders instore!

Lastly how HOT HOT HOT is the top 50 List for SM masters this year!!! Congrats to ALL the really is an exciting time! I wouldn't like to try and pick out of those talented ladies...all Master quality I think! Special TOOT for my Perth girls Binxy and Mel god their talent is OUTSTANDING!

I'll be back later - I have about 6 LOs to scan!



Lauren said...

That layout is just absolutely stunning~!!
I just love it and hope that one day I will be able to scrap that good...
Glad you are scrapping, your pieces are just amazing and Chloe is so lucky to have one of your pages too!
Thinking of your Oma, hope that she is much better, I know what its like not being about to visit a Grandmother and its so hard...
All the best,


all the best mel... your new page looks awesome .. your right mel C's pages are just amzing hope shes one of the ones chosen!!

Hetty Hall said...

Oh I love this layout, the colours are just stunning, well done. Good to hear all is well with bub, not long to go now. Hope your Oma is doing better, my girls have a Oma and Opa as well, so can sympatise. I agree with you on the masters list, binx and Mel C are so master material, they just have to be chosen
Hugs xx

Nicole said...

love your work Melis, the colours are just magic together.

Hope that your Oma is doing better now.
